Madison Commercial Smart Home Services

Security, Lights, Audio Integration, Video Analytics, Access Control Systems, and more

Commercial Services:

Commercial Services Topics


See your location(s) security at your fingertips using a mobile app or computer.

Access Control

Manage and Control your entries and exits with smart doors that report to you the current actions and historical actions of movement in and out of your building

Video Analytics

Receive smarter video alerts based on what you want to be reported on. Set virtual tripwires and ground zones for any threat to be detected. Analysis will even distinguish an animal or unknown object from a person.

Audio Integration

Let Aptus help you decrease the number of apps you use for home management. Aptus will work to tie in Audio so you can control your entertainment and security all in one app.

Lights & thermostat

Let the automation begin with interaction of smart lights into your home or business. Lights, thermostats and other smartened devices can react to a schedule, GPS location or a perceived threat.

Water Management

Whether you want to reduce water consumption or stop unwanted running water Aptus has the solution. This comprehensive feature set allows for the monitoring of water sensors and valves throughout your home or office, providing another layer security and awareness. When running water is detected when it shouldn’t be out smart system can shut off the water main.

Central Monitoring

Take your security one step further with 24/7 monitoring. Aptus provides the most comprehensive self-monitoring services but if you want that extra level of security allow one or our monitoring locations provide you with another level of peace of mind.
